Now, I can officially say that I'm obsessed with Ok Go.  The moment they stop producing great music videos, I will stop Googling them to find out which great new video they are going to create.  I don't agree with the amount of toast that they used for this video... I mean, they could have made about 1,225 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches with all that bread!  

Har har har.

I am not the best at making toast.  I can bake some wonderful things and dish out awesome meals for dinner.  For some reason, though, when it comes to making toast and popping popcorn, I will always ALWAYS burn them.  Bret reminded me how much this occurs two nights ago when I burned the toast for our egg sandwiches...

So, here's to you, Ok Go -- for giving me the hope that slightly burnt toast can be put to better use.  Who would have thought that such a pretty song could be illustrated through doodles and carbs?