"The Water," will be the third single from Johnny Flynn’s second album "Been Listening" which has a release date of November 1.  He is set to go on tour with Mumford and Sons' upcoming UK tour.  Gahhhh.  I wish I could see those performances live...  But nooo... Good music is kept only in the UK...

The song has a hazy, floating feeling to it which is appropriate due to the song title.  Singing along with Johnny is Lara Marling a 20-year old with the voice beyond her years.  The song tells a wonderful story of life and its complexities, but through these obstacles something will keep you afloat.  This is exactly the type of song I want to play when I'm having my first cup of hot apple cider, sitting on the porch, watching the leaves change colors, and thinking about what is out there for me next in my life.

I always need a "go to" song to collect my thoughts and to keep myself at ease.  Right now, this song is fulfilling that need.

So wrap yourself up in a blanket or wrap your hands around a hot cup of tea, and press play:

The Water (Featuring Laura Marlin.mp3 by cooperativemusicuk